Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Extraordinary Day

And now for the photo retelling of last Friday: Adoption Day!

We stood around in the hall for a while waiting for our lawyer to arrive and for the courtroom to open. We kept the bib on 'til the last minute so she didn't spit up on her pretty dress, which by the way was a gift from Anna and JT before we even knew we were getting a girl .
Katelynn found someone's purse to chew on while we were waiting for our names to be called in the courtroom waiting area.
Here we are in front of the judge taking an oath. This would have been easier if I was faster at determining my left from my right!
We are so grateful to our friends and family who could join us! Lisa, Nate, Bill, Mike, my brother JT, Wendy, Sarah, and Diesel. And many many thanks to Jenn who is taking all of these photos.
The judge let us take a photo with him after he granted our petition to adopt miss Kate.
We had to wait around afterwards for about half an hour while our lawyer filed the paperwork.
My brother rocks because he drove all the way from Montana to spend the weekend with us. Here we are outside of the courthouse.
We had a party at our apartment club house to celebrate that night. Lots of pink and brown balloons, paper products, etc. I'm not quite sure how Albertson's managed to get the capital G in our last name, but not capitalize the F. And best present of the day: in the time between the courthouse and the party, our friend Jenn (the photographer) printed and framed this photo that I posted earlier!
It's really hard to find a group photo where everyone looks great, but here we all are celebrating Miss Katelynn Joy FitzGerald.

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