Sunday, September 21, 2008

9 Months

Katelynn is 9 months old today! We have her 9-month check-up on Wednesday so we'll find out her weight and height then, but I'm hoping for 18 pounds. She is still wearing mostly 3-6 clothes, but I might get the next size out soon just for some variety in wardrobe. This month, Katelynn has learned how to crawl on her hands and knees, though she is still faster on her elbows. She can get to a sitting position from her belly without help from the pulling up on something, and she has learned how to climb the stairs. She can now say ba-ba, ma-ma, da-da, na-na, oh, ow, and I’m sure there are others that I’m forgetting. She loves to talk ALL the time. She has learned how to clap her hands and a couple of times she has said bye-bye.
It was really hard to get pictures of her this morning because everytime I set her on the couch, she immediately started climbing up on it!
To top it off, she's finally getting a tooth! We noticed just yesterday that the bottom left one is coming in, which explains her crankiness and not wanting to eat much lately. This ice pack made a great soothing toy.
This past weekend we moved into a new house in Seattle. We are sharing a giant house with our friends the Belks, and with my brother JT who is moving out soon. Katelynn got her first big boo-boo during the move when she fell off the bed while someone was hanging blinds. Ouch.
And thanks to Panera, I was able to make this post and get a nice hot bowl of soup. We have had a week without internet and still have a few more days to go, but hopefully I can post more soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah she's beautiful.....Tonia