Sunday, March 22, 2009

15 Months

Yesterday Katelynn turned 15 months old. Her 8th tooth came in this month, and her two bottom molars are on their way. She has giant puffy spots where they will be, and she is definitely showing us some crankiness today! I think she is nearing 21 lbs, but we don't have a check-up for another month to find out for sure. She continues to LOVE books, especially the baby sign language book she got from Grama Sue for Christmas. She can sign more, please, water, eat, all done, dog, cat, night night, bottle, mama, dada, book, and diaper. As far as talking goes, she is saying dada, mama, bottle (bawbaw), Uncle bud (bu, which is JT's nickname), dog (gawgaw), and no. She loves to go to our playgroup 2-3 times a month, and enjoys having other kids over to play. A social butterfly for sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grama Sue says: "You cannot imagine how much these pictures mean to Grampa and me. Thank you!"