Friday, May 22, 2009

17 Months

Miss Kate turned 17 months old yesterday. She was up to 21 lbs 3 oz earlier this week when we visited the doctor because of a rash. Her two bottom molars are completely in, and the top ones are working on it. She's decided she loves to climb and can even get on top of the kitchen table. Scary! Katelynn's language skills seemed to have hit a turning point this month. She is saying all sorts of new words and loves to try to copy what adults say. Some of her new words are Ah (Anne, our housemate), ha (hat), moe (more), peas (please), eye, and nose. She also is able to point to a bunch of her body parts including her eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, nose, chin, cheek, chest, toes, feet, fingers, hand, arms, hair, and head. And of course she still likes making animal noises and can now do a dog, cat, sheep, cow, horse, pig, bird, and lion. She is even learning some matching skills with her animal fridge toy. If you show her one half of an animal, she will find the other corresponding piece. What a smarty!

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