Wednesday, June 24, 2009

18 Months

This cheese ball turned 18 months on Sunday. At a doctor appointment on Monday, she was 31.25 inches long (about 50th percentile) and weighed 21 lbs 3.3 oz (about 10th percentile). She now has all four of her molars, and I suspect the eye teeth are on their way. She has started to enjoy more grown up food lately, her favorite being mac and cheese. She also has liked pizza, muffins, grilled cheese, and canned pears. Her vocabulary is growing out of control: she is up to about 40 words! I've been trying to keep a list on the side of the blog, but Tucker says this will be an impossible task soon. Some of her newest words are sock, mac (as in mac and cheese), blankie, cracker, bus, and Elmo. We also had the milestone this past month of getting rid of the pacifier. It was actually much easier than I expected it to be, though when we are playing at her friend Josiah's house, she likes to suck on his all evening. She continues to be a very active, confident, social little girl. Plus she's such a cutie!

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