Monday, September 21, 2009

21 Months

Little Miss Kate is 21 months old today (and as cute as ever)! She continues to talk up a storm and use lots of three word phrases. Some of her new big words are necklace, ambulance, and curtains. We've started to work on learning colors, and she's decided she loves the color green. She always wants the green spoon, the green straw, the green fruit loops, etc. Katelynn also loves vehicals of all sorts. She loves to point out airplanes, buses, tractors, etc, and she is especially eager for Tuesday mornings when the garbage trucks come through. Lately I've been amazed at her memory. Sometimes when I get home from work, she'll tell me about going on a walk with dada and uncle. She's even started remembering her friends' names and will say them when we drive by places we've hung out with them at. We're trying to get her to learn the twin's names, but whenever I bring it up, she just says "Max, Max" over and over. Aparently he is her favorite friend.

She continues to love cereal and mac & cheese, and she recently started liking blueberries a lot. Her bottom right canine tooth finally popped through. I'm not sure about the top ones because she just bites now when we try to feel her teeth. We're in the earliest stages of potty training as she is starting to express lots of interest in it. We put her on a few times a day and sometimes she goes. One of these days we're going to have to get serious about it so we can get her trained before the boys arrive.

1 comment:

afitz73 said...

I feel like maybe you might have some books that could help her with the potty but thats just a maybe...