Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2 Month Check Up

The boys had their 2-month check up today. They are doing fabulous! Evan got some zantac for his reflux and Aidan's umbilical hernia should go away within the year. Getting shots with two-month-olds is way less traumatic then getting shots with a 2-year-old who says "No shots, no shots" for the entire doctor visit. Here are the stats for the boys:


Weight: 12 lb 2.5 oz (57th percentile)
Length: 23 inches (48th percentile)
Head: 16.2 inches (76th percentile)


Weight: 13 lb 1 oz (77th percentile)
Length: 22.25 inches (20th percentile)
Head: 15.75 inches (46th percentile)

And for comparison, Katelynn at 2 month:
Weight: 9 lb 7 oz
Length: 22.5 inches
Head: 15 inches

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