Sunday, March 9, 2008

Deep Thoughts (not really)

On Friday, Katelynn and I got to hang out with Sarah and Diesel. Baby Diesel is 6 weeks old and Miss Kate is 11 weeks, but look at how similar they are in size. I'm pretty sure Diesel even has a pound on Kate! We'll find out when they have checkups in a few weeks...
Another cute outfit from Grandma Joan. The sun was shining on Wednesday (a rarity in Seattle) so I thought, "Time for that cute spring outfit." But unfortunately the temperature was not quite up to my expectations. Maybe in a couple of weeks we can try again!
And this photo is for Lisa and Susie. I totally don't get the sizing of baby clothes. Katelynn is only 10 lbs and 2 months old. This whole outfit is 3-6 month size and fits great with the pants just a tad long. But Kate still fits into several of her newborn size clothes for 5-8 lb babies, and some of the 0-3 month clothes are still too big. Who came up with this system anyway?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a GREAT picture of Kate and D!! =)