Sunday, March 30, 2008

Three Months

Well, three months has come and gone, and I failed to post an update! Katelynn was weighed on the 20th and was up to 10 lb 9 oz, which is pretty good considering how sick she was last month. We ended up visiting the doctor again on the 26th, and she had gained six ounces in six days despite the fact that she hadn't been eating well! So as of the 26th, Miss Kate was 10 lb 15 oz and 22.75 inches long. My tiny girl is getting so big. She smiles all the time, tries to laugh, holds her head up very steady, and is able to bear all of her weight on her legs when you try to get her to stand up. She loves to suck and chew on everything, and she wants to sit/stand up all the time so that she can look around. We are currently in TX visiting some friends, so I'll have some more photos to post soon.

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